So long as load is roughly constant, applications typically reach a steady state level of memory usage fairly quickly. 只要负荷大体上是恒定的,应用程序通常会很快达到一个稳定的内存使用水平。
As long as the interface stays constant, the implementation can change without affecting the overall system. 只要该接口保持不变,就可以修改其实现,且不影响整个系统。
When a long string variable is assigned a string constant, the string pointer is assigned the address of the memory block generated for the string constant. 当一个串变量被赋予一个串常量时,串指针被赋予串常量内存块的地址。
These are very, very long, extended situations that need our constant support for a very, very long time. 这些情况都已经存在很长时间了,它需要我们长时间不断的支持与发展。
When presented with long depolarizing current pulse of constant amplitude, most of the neurons exhibited pronounced adaptation of spike frequency. 在受到长的强度不变的去极化电流时,多数神经元表现出明显的锋电位频率适应。
The utility model has the characteristics of low energy consumption, no temperature rising, convenient operation, long service life and compatibility of constant opening and constant closing. 本实用新型具有能耗低、无温升、使用方便、寿命长、常开常闭兼容一体的特点。
The average slope of long reaches of rivers must be constant over periods of a few years or decades. 河道长河段的平均坡降,必须是在若干年或几十年周期中为常数。
Theoretically, over such long periods returns on shareholders 'funds are constant and mean reverting across every industry. 从理论上说,在如此长的时间内,各个行业的股东资金回报率都会保持稳定并回归均值。
Civilian flights have long been plagued by constant delays, which the administration attributed to crowded air space as well as poor coordination between airlines and airports. 民用航班长期以来陷入经常性延误的泥潭,管理部门把这归结于拥挤的飞行空间以及航空公司和机场之间的协调性差。
When flying for long periods at a constant speed, it is very fatiguing for the pilot to maintain such a force. 如以恒速作长时间飞行,要保持这样的力会使驾驶员非常疲劳。
Rectangular rows of rice fields litter the landscape separated by long lanes of water designed to provide the constant supply of water that is vital to producing the crop. 长方形的稻田杂乱地分布在田野上,田野被一些长长的水槽所隔开,这些水槽是为了提供这些作物生长所必需的水。
Clearly, as long as the impeller constant rotation, the liquid will continue to be inhaled and discharged. 可见,只要叶轮不断地转动,液体便会不断地被吸入和排出。
According to him, in such settings, no-one can concentrate for long due to constant interruptions and distractions. 但它没有考虑到背景声音对大脑的影响和干扰。
Since it is a long time yet, I didn't pay constant attention to my mail box. 因为,时间过去蛮久的,所以,我没有持续地关注我的邮箱。
Smart books were meant to bridge the gap between smartphones and laptop computers, offering a cheap, mobile device with a long battery life and constant internet connectivity. 开发智能本的初衷,在于弥补智能手机与笔记本电脑之间的空档,提供一种电池寿命较长、不间断在线连接的廉价移动设备。
In the long history of the volleyball sports, the constant emergence of new technologies and new tactics stimulates the development of volleyball. 排球运动有着漫长的发展历史,新技术、战术的不断涌现,给排球运动的发展增添了新的生机。
Ceramic is a feasible dielectric material to make high energy density capacitors with heavy current and long lifetime due to its very high dielectric constant and negligible aging phenomenon. 陶瓷因介电常数高、无老化等优点而适用于高储能密度电容器。
That can produce automatically such products as hoop bar, long curve bar, straight bar with constant long, which dimension and shape is designed by program and the machine is integrated of multi production process. 可自动生产箍筋、长弯曲筋、定尺直条等多种产品,尺寸和形状由程序设定,是多种生产工艺的结合。
It provides theoretic support for solving long charging time at constant voltage. 这一结论为顺利解决电池恒压充电时间过长的技术问题提供了理论依据。
High Accuracy and Long Distance Scale Based on Constant Current Source Exciting 基于恒流源激励的远距离高精度电子秤
Chain growth factor in the derived models was no long a constant. Hence the new model is suitable for interpreting non-ideal Anderson-Schulz-Flory ( ASF) distribution on iron based catalyst. 该模型中由于引入烯烃再吸附项链增长几率不再是一个常数,因而更适合于解释铁基催化剂上非理想Anderson-Schulz-Flory产物分布。
The decay rate of the C-14 sample with its long half-life should be nearly constant during the short duration of the experiment. 在一个短实验周期里,具有较长半衰期的C14样品的衰变速率应该是一个近似常数。
Over-long charging time at constant voltage for polymer lithium ion battery 聚合物锂离子蓄电池恒压充电时间过长的机理
Operation Circle Diagram of Ultra-high Voltage Long distance Transmission Line with the Constant Power Factor of Its End 超高压长线在末端恒功率因数下的运行圆图
Thermal Stress Calculation of the Long Shells under Prede-termined Constant Temperature 准定常温度分布下长圆筒体的热应力计算
Stress variation of reinforced concrete columns over long periods of time while under constant load 钢筋砼轴心受压构件在长期荷载作用下的应力变化
Font Design is a category of the times, so as long as technological advances, resulting in constant demand, development space of font design will be followed to make the appropriate adjustments and development. 字体设计是与时俱进的一个门类,只要科技不断的进步,产生不断的需求,字体设计的发展空间就会随之做出相应的调整与发展。
In the long historical process and specific area environment, through constant production and construction practice, the ancestors of Bai nationality have created traditional residential architecture form which has a strong national style and characteristics of local. 在漫长的历史进程和特定的区域环境中,经过不断地生产建设实践,白族先民最终创造了具有浓厚的民族风格和地方特色的传统民居建筑形式。
For a long time, the resources city provides constant flow of energy to the national economic construction in our country. 长期以来,资源型城市为我国国民经济建设提供了源源不断的能量。
Then, by analysing time and frequency domain characteristics, the bottleneck of dynamic response of turbine flowmeter is the long time constant of transfer function and narrow frequency band which make high frequency signal be filtered. 然后,通过时域特性和频域特性同时分析出影响涡轮流量计动态响应的瓶颈是传递函数的响应常数较长,频带较窄,不能将高频信号检测出来。